Do you know the importance of WordPress Speed optimization?

WordPress Speed optimization

Nothing is more important than the first impression you make. The same is true for your company’s website. According to statistics, 50% of users expect the website to load in 3 seconds or less, and if it does not, they will abandon the website entirely.

What can we do to optimize our website speed if speed is what we need? Here are exceptional ways to boost WordPress speed optimization  and performance:

1. Minify CSS, HTML and JavaScript

The primary goal of minification is to eliminate redundant and unused data. Minification will reduce the size of the code and script files. It cuts down on load time and bandwidth usage on width.

2. Delete unused media file

Unattached images are images that are not used in any of the WordPress pages or posts. This will result in a longer loading time. Removing unnecessary images will shorten the loading time.

3. Enable caching option

Caching is extremely important because it reduces load time and accelerates your website. This will improve the user experience and increase engagement.

4. Remove unused plugin and theme

This is another important thing to remove . if you will get any kind of unused wordpress plugin and delete other theme . Go to appearance theme option and delete other theme like Twenty Twenty-Three, Twenty Twenty-Two.Twenty Twenty etc. 

WordPress Speed optimization